Map of Spain

Digital Workplace


About the practice 

Where: Spain
Start date: November 2019
Status: active
Beneficiaries:  ILUNION Social Business Group and Fundación ONCE’s employees
Funded by: ILUNION Social Business Group’s own funds



Digital WorkPlace is a digital and cultural transformation project stemming from the organization’s commitment to technological evolution, digitalization and transformation with a person-centred approach. The initiative is based on three main pillars - individual and collective productivity and agile methodology – and has four main objectives: increasing personal efficiency and productivity; promoting teamwork through collaborative platforms; flexibilizing the access to information; digitalizing and automatizing data, while ensuring accessibility.

Employees are provided with an intuitive web portal that offers all the reference audio-visual materials, as well as the recordings of online training sessions. In order to foster the implementation of the initiative, Digital WorkPlace has introduced the figure of the “Champions”, digital ambassadors with the mission to guide workers in the digital transformation process. The project has also fostered the development of digital skills with Microsoft 365 tools through online training.

So far, over 15 webinars have been delivered, with 10.000 participants/views. 


The practice takes the form of events, webinars and workshops delivered to workers through Microsoft Teams, a web portal on SharePoint and a user Community on Yammer. 

Contents are shaped taking into account the needs of all the participants, as well as the information gathered through the Champions, surveys and forms. Accessibility and usability of contents and tools are key aspects that are taken into account in the design of the trainings.

Progress of participants are evaluated through a follow-up on the evolution of the project implementation through monthly analysis of KPIs and comparison with the initial assessment.


Participants acquire digital skills and knowledge on new digitalisation processes that can help improving workers’ productivity.


Digital Workplace is an innovative practice as it is based on an online training model, complemented by a web portal, which encourages and allows all workers to participate in a flexible way (synchronous or asynchronous learning). A collaborative space was created on YAMMER for participants to share results and news, as well as asking questions, etc. The project has allowed the full implementation of Microsoft technology and, consequently, the digitalization of many processes.


Although the project was launched in November 2019, the initial assessment and gathering of requirements was being carried out when the Covid-19 pandemic broke out. The lockdown boosted digitalization and made this project even more relevant and necessary, especially for all those workers in non-essential activities who were working from home. Training sessions started in April 2020 and since then indicators have been improving: all the webinars got over 10,000 participants/views on the web portal; over 12 million documents were transferred to OneDrive from network drives; nearly 6,000 sites were created on SharePoint; the use of Microsoft Teams as a collaboration and communication tool was consolidated.

The sustainability of the practice is guaranteed by the figure of the Champions. As members of the staff, they are a closer reference for workers. They are also in charge of the promotion and follow-up of the project and its results in their companies, as well as for the identification of needs, issues and concerns. 



Oscar da Pena

The European Commission  support for the production of this publication does not constitute endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

The B-WISE project, Blueprint for Sectoral Cooperation on Skills in Work Integration Social Enterprises, is an Erasmus + project coordinated by EASPD with the support of ENSIE.