Privacy statement

Since May 25th, 2018, the Regulation (UE) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (General Regulation on Data Protection, hereafter referred as GDPR), and repealing Directive 95/46/CE, is applicable. This Privacy Policy underlines the B-WISE project commitment to respect privacy in line with this Regulation.

The B-WISE project understands the importance of the protection of personal data and the concerns of itspartners and other persons with whom it has contacts regarding the processing of their personal data. As regards to processing personal data, the B-WISE project  takes the utmost care to ensure their protection.

The applicable Data Protection Regulation imposes obligations concerning the way the B-WISE project must process data. This Regulation also provides rights for the persons whose data are processed, to enable them to exercise more control over their personal data.

This Privacy Policy is designed to inform you, in full transparency, of the data we collect, the purpose of this collection, how we use them and the rights you have regarding the processing of these data. This Privacy Policy explains how we collect and use your personal data and what rights and options you have in this context.

We invite you to take some time to read it in order to familiarise yourself with our practice in this area. You can also find information on the websites of national Data Protection Authorities via the following links :

If you have any question, do not hesitate to contact us at:

Who is responsible for your private data? 

As the communication manager of the B-WISE project, the European Network of Social Integration Enterprises (ENSIE) is responsible for your personal data. Its address is the following: ENSIE ASBL, (475 190 924) Rue Botanique 75, 1210 Brussels, Belgium. Various persons within the organisation may have access to personal data such as the Director, the Communication Officer and other ENSIE employees, including independent service providers and consultants, temporary workers such as temps, trainees, or students. Each of these persons within ENSIE is bound by this Data Privacy Protection Policy. 

Other partners in the project may also have access to your data, in particular the project leader EASPD.  

Which personal data do we collect? 

By accessing our website or using our services, we may collect your personal data, this is done for a variety of reasons that will be defined later in this document.

These data are as follows:

  • Your identification information (first name, surname, title, e-mail, phone number and address).

The data we are collecting may also include:  

  • Contact information such as your organisation/ institution name, address, phone number or e-mail address);
  • Other information related to your structure necessarily processed during a project or in a contractual relationship with the B-WISE project or voluntary provided by you, such as instructions given, payments made, applications and projects.

This may include data about your membership in a union, professional or other association, health-related data, details of your relevant dietary preferences when we invite you to events.

How do we collect your personal data?

The data constituting the files processed by the B-WISE project may be obtained either because you have directly communicated them to us or because third parties have communicated them to us within the framework of commercial or administrative relations.  

Some of your data may be collected by the B-WISE project:  

  • When you or your partner organisation, member or otherwise, work with the B-WISE project;
  • When you or your organisation is browsing, asking a question or otherwise interacting on our website or social networks;  
  • When you participate in a B-WISE project event or register to receive personal data from us;
  • When you or your organisation is considering or offering services to us.  

Are you required to provide us with personal data?

Data protection legislation prescribes that personal data must be processed lawfully and fairly in relation to the data subject.
The lawfulness of the processing implies the existence of a legal basis. In principle, personal data may only be processed if:  

  • The data subject gives his or her consent. The organisation will at least have to inform the data subject in advance of the purpose for which the data are requested, what data will be collected for processing, the right to withdraw consent, the possible consequences for the data subject in the context of automated individual decision-making and profiling, and the transfer of data to third countries. 
  • The processing is necessary for the performance of a contract to which the person involved is party or in order to take pre-contractual measures at the request of the data subject.
  • The processing is necessary to comply with a legal obligation imposed on the organisation.
  • The processing is necessary in order to safeguard the vital interests of the data subject or of another natural person.
  • The processing is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of an official authority vested in the organisation acting as controller.
  • The processing is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by the organisation as controller or by a third party, unless fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject which require protection of personal data prevail.

You may at any time revoke the consent you have given to the B-WISE project for the processing of your data for a specific processing motive. The B-WISE project will then stop processing your data, for the processing of which you have given your consent, and will inform you of the possible consequences of the withdrawal of your consent. If the B-WISE project processes your personal data for other purposes and invokes other legal grounds for doing so, it may continue to process your data.

For what purposes do we use your personal data? 

We collect your personal data to process your event registration, in order to send our newsletters, to inform you about interesting upcoming events and, more generally, to communicate with you.

The B-WISE project guarantees that personal data will be processed:

  • For specified, explicit and legitimate purposes, and will not be further processed in a way incompatible with those original purposes for which the data were collected. The organisation shall at all times clearly communicate the purposes before processing begins.  
  • Within the limits of what is necessary for the purposes for which the data were collected. Where possible, the B-WISE project will anonymise or pseudonymise the data in order to minimise the impact on the data subject. This means that the name or identifier will be replaced in such a way as to make identification of a person difficult or even impossible.
  • For a limited period of time and in so far as this is necessary for the purpose concerned.
  • Correctly and, if necessary, the data will be updated. The organisation will adopt the necessary measures to erase or correct personal data, taking into account the purposes of the processing.   

We may also use your personal data for the following purposes (“authorised purpose”):  

  • Provide advice or other services or things you might ask for;
  • Manage and administer your or your organisation’s relationship with the B-WISE project, including payment processing, accounting, auditing, invoicing and collection, support services;
  • Compliance with legal obligations (such as general obligations), compliance auditing or registered obligations to donors and funding institutions;  
  • To analyse and improve our services and communications to you;
  • To monitor and evaluate compliance with our policies and standards;  
  • To comply with our legal and regulatory obligations and requirements around the world, including reports verified by national and international regulatory bodies;  
  • For any purpose related and/or ancillary to one of the purposes mentioned or any other purpose for which your personal data is provided to us.  

When you have expressly given your consent, we may process your personal data for the following purposes:  

  • Communicate with you through the channels you have approved to keep you informed of the latest legal developments, announcements and other information about the B-WISE project’s services and publications (newsletters or other information) as well as the B-WISE project’s events and projects;  
  • Surveys, major questionnaires, analyses or other promotional activities and events;
  • Collect information about your preferences to create a user profile to be customised to enhance the quality of our communication and interaction with you (for example, newsletter tracking or site statistics).  

Depending on the authorised purposes (see above) for which we will use your personal data, we may process your personal data for any of the following legal bases:  

  • Because their treatment is necessary for the performance of our relationship with our organisation;  
  • To comply with legal obligations;
  • In addition, the processing shall be based on the consent you have expressly given us.  

With whom will we share your personal data?  

We may share your personal data in these circumstances:

  • We may share your personal data among the B-WISE project partners on a confidential basis where requested in order to build bridges between organisations, for billing or other purposes related to the nature of the project. A list of countries in which the B-WISE project partners are located can be found on our website;
  • We may share your personal data with a third party to whom we assign or transfer our rights and obligations.
  • The B-WISE project only transfers your data to countries outside the EU if they provide a level of protection equivalent to the level of protection that is guaranteed by European Data protection legislation.  

Personal data of other people that you provide us 

If you provide us with personal data about someone else (such as one of your directors or employees, or someone you do business with) you must ensure that you are authorised to disclose that personal data to us. We may collect, use and disclose such personal data as described in the Privacy Policy. In particular, you will need to make sure that the persons concerned are aware of the various points set out in this Privacy policy.

Keeping your personal data safe 

We will employ appropriate technical and organisational measures to keep your personal data confidential and secure in accordance with our internal procedure covering the storage, disclosure and access to personal data. Personal data will be kept in our personal data technology systems, those of our contractors or on paper files.

Changing your personal data 

If any of the personal data you have provided us with has changed, for example, if you change your email address or wish to cancel any requests made, or if you become aware that we have incorrect personal data about you, please let us know by emailing us at (Subject: Change of Personal Data). We will not be liable for any losses resulting from erroneous, non-authentic, insufficient or incomplete personal data that you have provided to us.

How long do we retain your personal data?  

We keep your data for as long as it is needed to fulfil the purposes for which it was collected. Once that purpose has been achieved, we will delete it. Your personal data will therefore be deleted when it is no longer required and used for the authorised purposes or when you withdraw your consent and we are no longer legally authorised to continue storing your personal data.  
The B-WISE project will anonymise the data if it still wishes to use them for statistical purposes. It may keep the personal data for a longer period for the purposed of litigation management, study or archiving.  
Your data won’t be stored after December 2024.  

Your rights

You may request to verify, access, rectify, delete, transfer and object, at any time, the use of your data, as well as request a limitation on the use of your data. To do so, simply send an email to the following address : We will then make every effort to take the necessary measures as soon as possible. You will receive an access form which we ask you to complete and specify which rights you wish to exercise with regard to your personal data.  

Changes to the Private Policy regarding your personal data 

The privacy policy was updated in August 2021. We have been given the right to update and change our privacy policy from time to time in order to reflect any changes in the way we wish to treat personal data or to change legal requirements. In the event of such changes, we will post the changes to our privacy policies on our website or otherwise. The changes will take effect as soon as they are posted on the website.

How to keep in touch with THE B-WISE PROJECT?

We welcome your comments and views on our website and our Privacy policy. If you wish to contact us with any queries or comments, please, send an email to or send a letter to ENSIE, Rue Botanique 75, 1210 Brussels, Belgium.

Our cookies policy

If you visit our website , you can choose whether or not to accept cookies and, if so, other technological means that collect data and information about your browsing habits. Cookies are essential to the proper functioning of our website. They fulfil various roles:

  • Retain your preferences;
  • Collect your statistical data;
  • Adapt the content of the website according to your needs.  

For more information about cookies, you can go to :
We use Google Analytics to collect information about your use of the website in order to adapt this website to your needs and use in the best possible way.  

The European Commission  support for the production of this publication does not constitute endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.