B-WISE project is available on the Cedefop webportal

B-WISE project is available on the Cedefop webportal


B-WISE partners are glad to share that B-WISE project is available at the Blueprint project fiches in Cedefop webportal. It can be accessed through this link.

The European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (Cedefop) is the EU organisation that brings together policymakers, employers' organisations and trade unions, training institutions, teachers and trainers, and learners of all ages –everyone with a stake in vocational education and training.

At the crossroads between education systems and the world of work, Cedefop operates as a forum, allowing the organisations with a stake in its work to share ideas and debate how best to improve vocational education and training in Europe. It shares its expertise with political organisations and the 2 sides of industry in the EU countries to help them generate learning and working opportunities.

You can read more about Cedefop here

Poparcie Komisji Europejskiej dla realizacji tej publikacji nie stanowi poparcia dla treści, które odzwierciedlają jedynie poglądy autorów, a Komisja nie ponosi odpowiedzialności za jakiekolwiek wykorzystanie informacji w niej zawartych.”

Projekt B-WISE- Plan Współracy Sektorowej na Rzecz Umiejętności w Przedsiebiorstwach Społecznych jest projektem program Erasmus+ koordynowanym przez EASPD (European Association of Service Providers for Persons with Disabilities) przy wsparciu ENSIE (European Network for Social Integration Enterprises)