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Work Integration Social Enterprises (WISEs) provide employment opportunities to millions of people struggling to find jobs. WISEs have to cater to the needs of the people they support and employ, yet also cater to the needs of their local economies. A key factor in meeting both factors is to ensure that those who work in WISEs have the right skills to deliver the products and services they create. Yet, the people working in WISEs – including workers with support needs, enablers/funders, and supporters – have varied skill requirements (soft and digital), educational backgrounds, values, motivations, and levels of investment in learning.
At our upcoming event, Boosting employment of workers with support needs and boosting skills for work integration, we will dive into how B-WISE has addressed these diverse needs to provide cross-European yet localised approaches to skill development. You will also discover the tailored training materials we have developed to enhance the work integration of workers with support needs.
Join us as we bring together key stakeholders to share insights, discuss the implementation of the European WISE Skills Strategy, and offer policy recommendations. Together, we can build a more inclusive and skilled workforce for the future.
The event will be held the on the 13th of November, 9:30-18:00 at the European Economic and Social Committee, Room VMA23, in Brussels. For more information, please find the programme here below:.
9h30-10h00 WELCOME – Introductory Remarks
Giuseppe Guerini, EESC member and President of Cecop (the European Confederation of Industrial, Worker and Service Cooperatives and Social Cooperatives)
Manuela Geleng, Director of Jobs & Skills, Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, European Commission
Thomas Bignal – EASPD
Patrizia Bussi – ENSIE
10h00-10h30: How the B-WISE project can help to boost work integration?
Speakers: TBC
10h30-10h45 Presentation of the B-WISE project
10h45-11h30 Key findings of B-WISE research. Future of the WISE sector
Interactive discussion on how the consortium progressed from identifying skills needs and gaps of the workers in the sector to developing “scenarios”, “personas” and future occupational profiles
Giulia Galera - Research Coordinator, Euricse
Lieven Bossuyt - Head, Lichtwerk
Camilla Baldini - Project Coordinator - Idee in Rete
Biancamaria Molinari - Scuola Centrale Formazione, Fondazione Opera Sacra Famiglia
Moderator: Martina Paterniti - Project Coordinator, ENSIE
11h30-12h00 Coffee break
12h00-13h30 Universal Training Curricula for workers in WISEs – Workers’ experiences with the B-WISE piloting
- Melanie Schaur - Researcher, Johannes Kepler University Linz
Moderator: Corine van de Burgt - Director, De Omslag
13h30-14h30 Networking lunch
14h30-15h30 Workshops
15h30-16h00 Coffee break
Room VMA 23
16h00-17h00 Next steps – How can we make the most of the B-WISE project?
Karel Vanderpoorten - Policy Officer Industrial Policy/Social Economy, DG GROW, European Commission
Felix Rohn, Policy Officer - DG EMP, EC
Patrizia Bussi - Director, ENSIE
Nóra Györke - Project Officer, EASPD
Moderator: Thomas Bignal - Secretary General, EASPD
17h00-17h30 Concluding remarks
17h30 Networking cocktails