Additional Project Meeting

Additional Project Meeting


Learning outcomes for enablers, supporters, and workers with support needs in the sector of Social Enterprises were discussed.

Last week, partners in the B-WISE Project met online for an additional project meeting. Participants discussed ongoing and next steps in the project. They debated about the next phases of B-WISE project; in particular regarding the Design of VET curricula meeting skills gaps, deliverables T3.1 and T3.2. Idee in Rete and Scuola Centrale Formazione presenting the new methodology, areas of expertise and the list of learning outcomes. Participants were divided in small brainstorming groups in order to share and propose ideas in the subject. Finally, JKU presented the workplan for T3.3 with a focus on Phase I: The collection of training curricula and partners exchanged about the organisation and division of tasks in this step.

B-WISE partners will meet again next month in order to continue working on the project.

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El proyecto B-WISE, Blueprint for Sectoral Cooperation on Skills in Work Integration Social Enterprises, se trata de un proyecto Erasmus+ coordinador por EASPD con el apoyo de ENSIE.